Emprendo con mentor semicirculo

Mentorship Services that Support and Guide You in Managing Your Business. Emprendo con Mentor.

Emprendo con mentor hero

You will have my help to

Validate your business idea, learn to set business strategies, make action plans, work towards objectives and develop viability plans…

Emprende con mentor hero 2

we will make a good tandem

For whom it is?

This process is aimed at professionals who love their activity and have a vocation to serve society through their project. Professionals, who want to contribute their imprint, their particular way of understanding your business, and need help to learn how to manage their project.

The mentoring process will be a period of hard work, in which we will be in permanent contact and which requires significant effort on my part as a mentor and also on yours, as a mentee.

It is designed for entrepreneurs determined to bet and give everything for their project, who are willing to dedicate hours to studying their company. I do not have the magic wand to get your company to be at the top of the market and I do not promise you unattainable results, I do commit to working with you at the same level as if it were my own company.

Through this process we will ensure that great professionals become great entrepreneurs.

We will work together and end up being friends!

Emprende con mentor que te llevas

the benefits you get from our work

What will you take?

You will be able to validate your business idea, you will learn to set business strategies, make action plans, work towards objectives, develop viability plans…

You will see how it is possible to combine the professional aspect with the business mentality.

And, on a personal level, I will try by all means to ensure that you feel accompanied in this process, that you notice less entrepreneurial loneliness and that you gain security and confidence in your role as an entrepreneur.

The process is summarized in six simple steps

How are we going to work?

We will travel together a very intense path through which we will advance in several stages

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We will start by getting to know each other, on a personal level and our respective projects. For me it is essential that we fit together well before starting such a personal, close and sacrificial process.

From here, and not before, we can begin the process




We decide the objectives to work on, the format and duration of the sessions…This entire process will be personalized and we will establish the budget and payment methods according to your needs.




We will establish a schedule of sessions that we will arrive at with an agenda that we have previously worked on as a mentor and mentored.



Throughout the entire process you will have my permanent support to clarify doubts and help you prepare for the work sessions.



We will review how the process went, the roadmap that we have defined for you to work on and how to start applying the guidelines that we have set.



We will propose follow-up meetings so that you can tell me how you are incorporating the strategy that we have been working on in the mentoring sessions into the day-to-day life of your company.

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Together we will define the roadmap for your business

My name is María Jesús González, although people know me by my nickname “Chus”.

I am passionate about entrepreneurship…for as long as I have known and before I knew its meaning.

Growing up in a self-employed family led me to study Economics and later to work in the Financial Sector.

My great vocation is to put my knowledge at the service of entrepreneurs and small businesses so that they have the same resources as larger companies.
